Ben Affleck is becoming new Batman of sequel of "man of still";as soon as this news spread out the Batman fans are showing negative response to Affleck.Batman fans are wanting that producer company Warner Brothers made a change Affleck instead.There was lot of thinking and debates that who is becoming Batman character in Hollywood cinema fans.But when publishing Batman name,the fans the announce their disappointing.
Batman character Affleck occupied the place instead of Cristean Bell,who was listed top of the chart.The fans don't obey this decision of Warner Brothers.So the fans requested to Warner Brothers to to change Ben by a petition.The fans believe that Ben is not suitable the character Bruis Waine.He can not judge accurately of the character.He acted ugly as a super hero in the film 'Dare Devil'.He is not at all an action hero.Please search another one.
But Warner Brothers is still determined of their decision.Greig Sylberman who is a president of Warner Brothers said,"Ben is a coorect choice of this sequel of Jack Snider.He said,"Ben is an example of genius of his nice career.I and Jack will create a new way of this dual character.